Megan Dredge 65 Classroom Management Strategies Tips and Ideas

No, the number ‘65’ is not a typo. I really have compiled 65 classroom management tips to help you be even more effective. Classroom management is a ‘hot topic’ for teachers and I am always being asked about it – so I decided to compile a list of tips, ideas and strategies that have worked for me over the years. As I began to write, I found that the list kept growing and growing…

Whether you are a new beginning teacher, a casual relief teacher or an experienced veteran teacher, there is some good classroom management advice here for you.

So, below I have outlined 65 quick and easy classroom management tips and strategies that will help you to be even more effective.

So, take a deep breath and let’s go:

  1. Be consistent. Do what you say you are going to do, every time, without fail.
  2. Be true to you. Your management strategies should reflect who you are.
  3. Always be willing to try new things.
  4. Use a normal, natural speaking voice.
  5. Make informed decisions when dealing with student behaviour.
  6. Ensure your management strategies are age appropriate.
  7. Admit you’re wrong. Yes, saying sorry is an important part of classroom management.
  8. Arouse curiosity in the first 60 seconds of your lesson.
  9. Have high expectations.
  10. Don’t accuse students. Find a way to converse with them in an appropriate manner.
  11. Listen.
  12. Use my favourite strategy – Peer, Pause, Position. Check it out here.
  13. Be flexible. Be willing to adjust and modify what you do.
  14. Change your management strategies where appropriate. Different classes may respond better to different strategies.
  15. Don’t make empty threats.
  16. Get to know your students.
  17. Give students appropriate levels of choice. Not too much, and not too little.
  18. Intentionally build rapport with your students.
  19. Be fair.
  20. Don’t argue with a student. Ever.
  21. Replace your frustration with a calm and curious attitude.
  22. Set clear boundaries and work hard to keep them.
  23. Move around the room.
  24. Vary the tone of your voice throughout the lesson.
  25. Have fun.
  26. Quickly redirect off-task behaviour.
  27. Wait for every student to be ready before you speak. (And keep waiting until they are attentive.)
  28. Understand that there is usually more than one set of rules.
  29. Use your physical position in the classroom to help manage behaviour.
  30. Be fair.
  31. Refrain from comparing one student to another.
  32. Be comfortable with pauses, lulls and moments of silence.
  33. Be passionate about what you’re teaching. Bored teachers almost always have classroom management challenges.
  34. Say hello to students as they enter the room. Make valuable connections.
  35. Don’t interrupt on-task classes too many times.
  36. Seek and gain advice. Ask other teachers for their opinions and thoughts.
  37. Maintain a regular routine.
  38. Use gestures.
  39. Be disciplined with your words and actions.
  40. Intentionally create classroom culture.
  41. Make eye contact.
  42. Use humour.
  43. Genuinely care for students.
  44. Avoid the deadly mistake of trying too hard to get students to like you.
  45. Regularly remind students of rules and expectations.
  46. Please, please, please use your words carefully.
  47. Involve parents.
  48. Keep detailed and accurate records.
  49. Give clear instructions.
  50. Maintain students’ attention throughout the lesson.
  51. Be comfortable with noise. Noise isn’t always bad.
  52. Don’t yell.
  53. Take personal responsibility for everything that happens in your classroom.
  54. Avoid student confrontations. (Here is what I do)
  55. Insist on compliance. Every student must comply with your requests. Wait for them to do so.
  56. Pay attention to the pacing of your words and sentences.
  57. Use appropriate body language to reinforce expectations and guidelines.
  58. Give lavish encouragement for right behaviour.
  59. Structure your physical classroom layout in a way that supports good classroom management.
  60. Teach your students to be responsible problem solvers.
  61. Maintain your own personal levels of organisation.
  62. Start and finish your lessons on time.
  63. Remember the power of well-timed facial expressions.
  64. Avoid critical, judgmental, sarcastic and accusatory statements.
  65. Know your end goal for every lesson.

This week’s assignment:

Simply choose 5 strategies to try out in your classes this week.

Enjoy the journey,

And more importantly,

Enjoy the moments.



P.S. Make sure you check out ‘6 Deadly Classroom Management Mistakes’.

QUESTION: Let’s get this list to 100. What is your number one classroom management tip? You can leave your comments here.