It’s true – I love being a teacher.
I love being part of the profession that teachers all other professions.
I’ve been a teacher for nearly two decades. Wow, I can’t quite believe that. I can’t believe that I’ve spent nearly two decades shaping and influencing young lives.
I’m often asked “WHY did you become a teacher?”
I didn’t become a teacher because I wanted to influence others. Although I totally love doing that and take the responsibility very seriously.
I didn’t become a teacher because I was passionate about education and wanted to bring about significant change. Although I know I have the privilege of seeing change occur in the students I teach.
And I didn’t become a teacher because I thought it would make me a better person, a better communicator, a better friend. Although it has most certainly done that.
I became a teacher because of the influence of one person: MY MUM.
My Mum’s example of a passionate, committed teacher was THE reason I decided to become a teacher.
Her example of diligence in the classroom.
Her consistency in classroom management.
Her ability to laugh often.
Her authenticity.
Her commitment to learning and growing every day.
These are the things that my Mum exemplified as a teacher.
Thanks Mum.
So, for the fist time ever, my Mum and I are doing a webinar together.
A free webinar.
Mum and I are constantly talking about teaching and all things education and we have decided, for the first time, to let you in on our chats.
We’ve titled the webinar “Lessons Learned From A Lifetime Of Teaching and it’s on Wednesday.
I would love for you to join us.
We’re going to share five keys things that we’ve learned on our journey of teaching (and we’re also going to show you where to go to get more help and support for YOUR journey as a teacher).
Really looking forward to seeing you on the webinar.
P.S. This (free) webinar will be super helpful and as always, incredibly practical. It will encourage, equip and inspire you on your journey as a teacher. Register here.
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