[Webinar] Starting School

Do you (or a friend) have a child who is starting school?

Are you hoping that they settle in ok?

Are you concerned about their first day and their first week and their first month at big school?

Have you got a bunch of questions like:

– what if they cry (like really cry) on the very first day?

– do they have to know their ABCs?

– what if my child can’t write their name?

– what if my child misbehaves?

– is my child emotionally ready?

– what academic stuff should I try and teach them?

– what if my child doesn’t make any friends?

These are questions I get asked all the time.

And these are questions I will answer in Thursday’s Starting School Webinar.

(And you also get a bunch of really cool bonuses when you register).

Register Now

See you (or your friend) on the webinars.



P.S. Can’t make the webinar time?? No probs. The whole thing will be recorded and you’ll get access to the recording and the slides I use. So you can listen and learn whenever it suits you. Perfect.