I was talking to a teacher and she made a comment which really made me smile. She was speaking about getting through the school day and she said, “As long as I can get to the toilet and then get a cup of tea, then I can get through the day!” How true this is! Every teacher can relate to the all important bathroom trip at recess and the absolute necessity of getting a cup of tea or coffee!!!

Even though this makes us smile, caring for ourselves as teachers is crucial to our survival. We ARE important and we need to prioritise our own well-being throughout every day.

This week’s assignment:

Today, take ten minutes to engage in self-care – caring for yourself. Make that cup of tea, take that short walk, read that book, flick through that magazine – whatever it is, do something to care for yourself today. Trust me, you’ll love it!

Enjoy the journey,

And more importantly,

Enjoy the moments.

