The ABCs of Classroom Management

I am often asked by teachers for advice on classroom management. We are always looking for ways to more effectively manage our classrooms. We want to know how to deal with challenging behaviour and we want to help our students to be on-task and increasingly focused during our lessons.

Here are my Classroom Management ABCs:

Always be yourself

Believe in your students

Continue to learn and grow

Develop systems that work for you

Engage your students every time

Focus on developing your skills

Glean advice from others

Have a classroom management plan

Insist on compliance

Jump in and try something new

Keep control of your emotions

Learn how to handle difficult situations

Manage your classroom with confidence

Notice the little things

Observe student behaviour diligently

Persevere with challenging students

Question and critique your own actions

Remain passionate

Speak kind words

Take personal responsibility

Understand consistency is the key

Value your students’ thoughts

Wait for every student to be attentive

Xpect the very best from your students

Yearn to become a better classroom manager

Zoom in and focus on student behaviour

This week’s assignment:

Choose 2 things from the list above and focus on them for the next 7 days.

Enjoy the journey,

And more importantly,

Enjoy the moments.



QUESTION: What do you find most challenging about managing your classroom? Leave your comments here.