At a recent breakfast for teachers, one passionate teacher wore a bright green T-shirt. Not only was it a bright green T-Shirt but printed in large letters on the back, the T-Shirt was boldly proclaiming, “Teachers are terrific!” This was one zealous teacher and one who was willing to state loudly and clearly just how fantastic teachers are.
I have to say that I wholeheartedly agree with this teacher, that teachers are terrific and teaching is one of the most rewarding professions in the world.
This week’s assignment:
Today, let there be an extra spring in your step as you remind yourself of just how amazing you are. Write yourself a note saying, “Teachers are terrific” and out it somewhere where you will see it throughout the day. Remind yourself of just how incredible you are and how you are part of one of the most rewarding professions in the world.
Enjoy the journey,
And more importantly,
Enjoy the moments.
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