Megan Drege -  Students The Heart of a School

At the beginning of every term, after the school holidays, the whole school comes together for an assembly. During one of these assemblies, I remember my Principal, Phillip Heath, speaking about what it felt like to be in the school during the holidays, without the students there. He described how the school became ‘just a building’ and how it felt so different and so lonely. He then said this incredible phrase which captured my attention. He said, ‘A school without students is like a window without a view.’

What a powerful statement! Students really are at the heart of every school, and without students, a school is simply a window, an existence, and unable to fulfill its very purpose. As educators, it is helpful to keep this thought in the centre of everything we do. Our role is to help our students be the best that they can be and to prepare them for life. Next time you walk into your classroom, remember this: It is the students who have transformed the building into a school.

Enjoy the journey,

And more importantly,

Enjoy the moments.

