Megan Dredge - Motivation Matters

I was on a plane the other day and a tall, confident man sat down beside me and I recognized him – Mike Hammond – an excellent speaker and presenter whose broadcasting career in radio and television stretches more than twenty years.  You might remember him on Good Morning Australia, Gladiators, 2-day FM, or on the Foxtel help channel. Sitting next to him I realized I had a unique opportunity to learn from someone who is incredibly skilled in their craft. I knew I was going to have “A Teachable Moment.”

And I did.

During our conversation I asked him what he thought the key was to excelling in your profession, whatever that might be. And his answer was incredible. He said, “There are two kinds of people – those who work because they want to be noticed and rewarded by others’ attention and accolades, and those who work because they love what they do. It is this second group of people who are successful.”

Wow. What a teachable moment.

What motivates you as a teacher? Are you motivated by the external praise of others or by the internal drive to do what you love?

This week’s assignment:

Reassess whether your motivation is external or internal. Are you like the first group of people or the second group? Remember Mike Hammond’s wise words – it is the second group of people, those motivated from within, who are successful in their chosen profession.

Enjoy the journey,

And more importantly,

Enjoy the moments.

