Wow, another year has almost passed. I love this time of year – the exhilaration of welcoming in a new year. I have found myself already reflecting on this year and also looking forward to the new year. Today, I want to focus on reflecting on this past year. It’s essential that we do that before we start moving into the new year.
Find yourself a nice quiet place and take some time, maybe with a cuppa, to write down your answers to these questions:
1. What did you love about this year?
What were your memorable experiences, your a-ha moments, your enjoyable memories? What stands out to you?
2. What themes kept recurring throughout the year?
What things kept coming up for you during the year? What did you continually succeed at? What patterns did you notice?
3. What are you most proud of?
As you reflect on this past year, what are you super proud of? What did you do well? In what ways did you excel?
4. What’s missing from the last year, as you look back?
Did you relax on achieving your goals? Did you allow bad habits to come back in? Did you lose focus or lose momentum? What contributed to this?
5. What are the big ‘lessons’ you’ve learned this year?
What have you learned about being a great person? What have you learned about being a great teacher? What things have been defining for you this year?
Go through this exercise and answer each question fully and really allow yourself the luxury of taking the time to reflect on this year. Acknowledge what has happened, own your stuff, and allow yourself to feel a sense of completion around another year.
Next week, I’ll give you some pointers on how to plan for this amazing upcoming year! Until then, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Enjoy the journey,
And more importantly,
Enjoy the moments.
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