Recently at a school in Fiji, I noticed their motto in large letters on the main wall of the school” “Deeds not words.” Here in this rural school in Fiji, with gravel roads and run-down buildings, where the local people have so little yet are so content, this schools’ motto seemed to profound. The Fijian people exemplify this motto: their actions of friendliness and kindness in welcoming me to their beautiful nation were incredibly powerful. “Deeds not words” – a great statement to live by.
As teachers, we so often rely on our words and not on our deeds. I know my own tendency is to put a lot of attention on the words I speak and less attention on the actions I take. We’ve all heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words’ and I think it is absolutely true.
This week’s assignment:
Today, remember your deeds. Be aware of your actions. The way you act and behave in your classroom communicates loudly to your students. They see your deeds and it is these deeds that impact them. Just once today, choose to act rather than speak. Choose to apply this Fijian school’s motto, “Deeds not words”.
Enjoy the journey,
And more importantly,
Enjoy the moments.
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