Teachers are always striving to become more effective classroom managers. We are constantly looking for ways to maximize student engagement by confidently managing our classes. Classroom management is something I am passionate about (here’s a handy index to my all my posts about classroom management) and one of the best things we can do is to reward positive behaviour.
We’ve all heard this phrase – ‘reward positive behaviour’ – but what does it really mean? How can we practically do this?
I looked up the meanings of these words (dictionary.com) and here is what I found:
Reward: the return for the performance of a behavior that is desired; a positive reinforcement.
Positive: emphasizing what is good; moving in a beneficial direction.
Behaviour: manner of behaving or conducting oneself.
Here’s my summary:
Give your attention to the things your students do that are good or moving in a good direction.
In every class, in every small group situation, on every playground duty – this is your goal: to give your attention to the positive behaviours of the students around you. Look for ways to encourage them and spur them on in what they’re doing.
I’ve put together a simple proforma you can use to give you some ideas of positive behaviours you can ‘look’ for. Download your copy here.
This week’s assignment:
Take your Positive Behaviour Proforma and use it in your class/es this week. You will notice how your attention will be given to the positive behaviours of your students.
Enjoy the journey,
And more importantly,
Enjoy the moments.
P.S. Hooray – the Winning With Parents Super Pack is being launched in 10 days time. So pumped. Thanks for your understanding with our technical issues.
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