Megan Dredge - 4 Things You Must Remember Part 2

This is the second week of 4 where I am sharing the amazing wisdom of Mark Aiston, whom I had the privilege of listening to at National Young Leaders Day in March, presented by the Halogen Foundation. (If you missed the first week you can check it out here).

Mark is an Australian Sports Journalist and a passionate and skilled communicator. I thoroughly enjoyed his zest for life and I quickly found myself wanting to capture the key points he was making. Here is Mark’s second principle for living successfully:

2. Look your best

I am a huge believer in this! You’ve probably heard me say it, “Everything about you says something about you.” Presentation is incredibly important. Looks DO matter. The way you look and present yourself communicates volumes to staff, parents and students well before they find out how nice/skilled/accomplished you are. Looking great is not something only shallow people care about – remember everything about you says something about you. So, brush your hair, iron your clothes, buy some peppermints and take your personal presentation to a new level of excellence. You’ll notice the increased confidence you experience as a result.

This week’s assignment:

Looks DO count. Take care of yourself. This week, I’ll repeat myself here: brush your hair, iron your clothes, buy some peppermints and take your personal presentation to a new level of excellence. You’ll notice the increased confidence you experience as a result.

Enjoy the journey,

And more importantly,

Enjoy the moments.

