Megan Dredge - 4 Things You Must Remember Part 1

In March I hosted the National Young Leaders’ Days presented by the Halogen Foundation – days designed to equip young student leaders to be more effective in their leadership. At the Adelaide event, I was inspired by Australian Sports Journalist, Mark Aiston. He is a confident, effervescent and skilled communicator and he shared some inspiring principles for living successfully.

I found myself wholeheartedly agreeing and I immediately began applying them to my own life as a leader and an educator. Over the next 4 weeks I am going to share some of Mark’s thoughts with you and unpack how they apply to our classroom.

1. Believe In Yourself

This is foundational, of course, and a timely reminder of the importance of self-belief. How can we possibly encourage our students to believe in themselves if we can’t genuinely exemplify this in our own life? Let me remind you – YOU ARE AMAZING! You are unique. As a teacher you are different to everyone else – that’s what makes you you! So take the pressure off, look in the mirror and tell yourself ‘I’m awesome!’

This week’s assignment:

Amazing teacher, you really are one of a kind. Take some time this week to think about what makes you you and what makes you unique. Your uniqueness is your most attractive quality. So invest the time to discover and embrace who you are and really begin to believe in yourself.

Enjoy the journey,

And more importantly,

Enjoy the moments.

