
In my time as a teacher I have sat in literally thousands of staff meetings. And to be honest, many of those have dragged on and on. I’ve also had the privilege of leading staff meetings and I’ve always tried to make them interesting and engaging, as much as I can.

11 Ways To Spice Up Your Staff Meetings This Year

Perhaps you have to meet with your team leader each week? Perhaps you are involved in leading the staff meetings at your school or university? Do you often think, “What will I do in staff meeting this week?”


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Here’s 11 ways you can spice up your staff meetings.

  1. Pick a ‘theme’ for each meeting and let your staff know ahead of time.
  2. Break into groups or pairs and give a question or topic to each group.
  3. Read an article from a journal or magazine.
  4. Ask a teacher to present.
  5. Mix up the agenda order.
  6. Change the physical location.
  7. Choose an end time and stick to it.
  8. Engage as many staff members as possible.
  9. Use multi-media where appropriate.
  10. Be present.
  11. Help teachers think about something, even after the meeting has ended.


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QUESTION: What do you find challenging about your staff meetings? What needs to be changed? Leave your comments by clicking here.